

To make a new usable design

To provide high speed of the website performance

To integrate the site with discounts management system (SailPlay) to make offers with personal prices for every client

To solve problems with search optimization


  • Customer Journey Map (CJM) was made for every key role of the project

  • Though Customer Journey Map we revealed key clients problems in interacting with the website - as a result, we offered a new website structure

  • The website has adaptive design, it is convenient on all types of devices

  • The exclusive management system was developed for the project. The system is designed for high load on the Laravel and Vue.JS

  • The site is integrated with discounts management system (SailPlay)


  • The renewed design has provided increased sales conversion 2,5 higher than the previous version of the website

  • Website problems with speed of performance and search indexation were solved, speed of the website has ten-fold increase

  • The website provides calculation of personal discounts for clients in real time

  • The loyalty system for Pochta bank clients was created, we have made the special interface for employees that allows to work quickly with MoeZdorovie program

  • Health diary was launched - it is a service in which users can mark health indicators, send information to the doctor online and do more other actions

Отзыв клиента:

Redsoft company has established itself as a great partner that promptly and responsibly reacts to the business demands. Together we have launched a portfolio of projects within the program MoeZdorovie. Redsoft specialists have implemented several projects in a short time with excellent quality. Keep it up!

Alexander Sotnik

Head of the project “MoeZdorovie”

Alexander Sotnik

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